Paola Buioni has long been the soul of the WWF. It led memorable campaigns for environmental protection and is committed to the institution of the Oasis Marina and the Park of the Strait...
Agronomist and biology teacher, Andrea Quilichini is a name that occurs frequently in the recent history of Santa Teresa Gallura, for the great scientific and human contribution...
The figure of Tomaso Imperio is strongly linked to Santa Teresa Gallura and, specifically, the Folk Group Lungoni that from 1970 takes you around Italy and the world...
Meeting Stenello a hot summer afternoon at the restaurant that Dad Arduino founded in the early 60s and which bears the name, beginning what would become, for Porto Pozzo...
His first world record in constant weight apnea deep it establishes November 10, 1990, in Porto Azzurro, Elba Island; Here Umberto Pelizzari already offers concrete ideas...
Donatella Bianchi is a familiar face on TV and his image is strongly linked to the environment and tourism, so that from this in 2015 was chosen to represent the highest office of the Italian WWF...
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