venerdì 3 maggio 2024
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Blue Flag of Europe's record for Santa Teresa Gallura

awarded three Blue Flags of Europe, the new entry of Zia Colomba beach

Blue Flag of Europe's record for Santa Teresa Gallura
"The main objective of the program is to promote sustainable management in the municipalities bordering the territory, through a series of indications that put the basis of the 'attention and care for the to this wonderful gem of Sardinia!
Santa Teresa Gallura, the most beautiful, more and more! environment policy choices", explains the Danish NGO Fee (Foundation for environmental education) that assigns this award annually.
So Santa Teresa Gallura is also preferred for the quality of its water, some known for its transparency and the beautiful colors, but the properties that determine the purity and cleanliness are aspects that go beyond the visual.
We can say, therefore, that "not one, not two, but three (3) are the Blue Flags of Europe that add even more prestige to this wonderful gem of Sardinia!
Santa Teresa Gallura, the most beautiful, more and more! environment policy choices", explains the Danish ONG  Fee (Foundation for environmental education) that assigns this award annually.
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