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  • » Sardinia, Gallura, Santa Teresa Gallura news

Sardinia, Gallura, Santa Teresa Gallura news

News, news and insights on Sardinia, transport, packages and offers, news and useful information for tourism in Sardinia. For your holiday stay in touch with us, we'll give you all that you can serve to live the most beautiful island that is in the most afascinante, in villages, squares and most beautiful beaches of Sardinia island.

Welcome among us, let us know your requests will bring the right solutions to knowledge, thought and studied for You, for Your Holiday, for your itineraries in Sardinia!
  • Blue Flag of Europe's record for Santa Teresa Gallura
    awarded three Blue Flags of Europe, the new entry of Zia Colomba beach
    premiata una terza spiaggia, quella detta "di zia Colomba", quindi non una, non due, ma ben TRE (3), le Bandiere Blu d'Europa! Santa Teresa Gallura, la più bella, sempre di più!...
    Published on: 05/11/2016
  • Dub Versus Tour 2015
    Saturday, December 19 Santa Teresa Gallura
    An unmissable event to Saturday, December 19, at 16.00 at the Tomb of the Giants Lu Brandali in Santa Teresa Gallura with the authors of Dub Versus Giacomo Casti and Arrogalla feat. Marcellino Gara...
    Published on: 12/14/2015
  • 21° 21st poetry prize gallurese e corsa “Lungoni”
    December 12 Ceremony
    the poetry prize Gallura and race "Lungoni" arrives at the 21st edition and with the nth awarding ceremony held Saturday, December 12 at 16.00 at the municipal theater "Mandela"...
    Published on: 12/07/2015
  • Rally Terra Sarda
    5, 6 and 7 December
    350 total kilometers, with 97 timed special stages 10 of pure technique and fun that await riders for an event considered among the best rally of the season regional...
    Published on: 12/05/2015
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