giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
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Shopping Fashion and Beauty

Shopping in Santa Teresa Gallura

Among the most popular sports, especially on vacation, is shopping. Walking long and intense, with the head turning from side to side in search of Tshirt that enhances the tan, the shorts perfect for the evening, the costume or the dress ... the gift for friends at home, the right souvenir, but not too kitsch, sunglasses or sun lounger and shoe for the beach ... and then ... well, an activity that is worth hours of gym, but ... more pleasant!
  • Sardinia Ars Pasella
    wide exposure in the industrial area Li Lucianeddi
    a veritable institution for the handicraft, a beautiful long almost half a century that has had over 40 employees and rehearsed 15 outlets in major towns along the coast ...
    Published on: 07/22/2016
  • Sea and Sports Porto Pozzo
    eference for all lovers of the sea
    wide exposure facilitates the search and selection of Article suitable for every need, in a path that divides the different sectors...
    Published on: 11/06/2015
  • Tribe Surf
    slogan, sports and style
    not just a store, but the true essence of the sport water, perfect point of reference for enthusiasts, professionals or novice, absolutely love the sea...
    Published on: 10/30/2015
  • La Primula di Rosanna
    prodotti tipici sardi
    A casket of perfumes, an explosion of flavors, this is The Primula Rosanna. Here you will meet tradition and typicality in a mix of selected products and selected directly from Rosanna...
    Published on: 10/30/2015
  • Il Nido
    clothing and footwear for baby
    a small treasure trove of designer labels for children, a haven where moms and dads, grandparents and uncles, they can find the right idea, the perfect garment for dressing the little ones with tha...
    Published on: 06/18/2015
  • Mascheras
    pieces that speak of ancient traditions, of culture, of territory
    to smell the wood while it is being worked on, to witness the transformation of a simple piece of wood in a piece of pure handicraft ...
    Published on: 06/15/2015
  • Alessio Sale Ceramics
    pieces that speak of a territory, which tell a story ...
    The lab is where the sea plays notes of peace, where nature moves the leaves to let the sun fantasy shadows that form unique subjects ...
    Published on: 06/14/2015
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