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  • » to visit the neighborhood of Santa Teresa Gallura

to visit the neighborhood of Santa Teresa Gallura

discover the territory of Gallura

Gallura extends to the sides of Santa Teresa Gallura, Arzachena to Palau and then with his Costa Smeralda.
Then even further to reach Olbia, to go down to the west coast, where it emerges, a little further on, the sea, the island of Tavolara,
which seems to be able to touch only the hand stretching from Porto San Paolo and San Teodoro, then from Budoni and Posada, where the Gallura gives way to the land of the Baronia and Nuoro.
East of Santa Teresa, instead, here Aglientu leading to Vignola and Trinita d'Agultu with Costa Paradiso and the beautiful Isola Rossa, to finish in Badesi this wonderful coastline.
  • Santa Teresa Gallura

    Routes in Santa Teresa Gallura

    visit Santa Teresa Gallura

    Not only sea and not just beaches is Santa Teresa Gallura, but much, much more! Echoed a number of tips to discover all that is beyond the holiday of sunbathing, history, culture and traditions.
  • Palau

    trails in Palau

    Gallura - visit Palau

    The discovery of Palau, one of the best known of Gallura and Sardinia stages. Beautifully overlooking the Maddalena Archipelago, Palau, keeping many of Attraction ideas that form the backdrop to a sea and beaches of the most popular and known to the world.
  • Visit Bonifacio Corsica
    Port of Corsica Bonifacio
    Moby and Saremar provide connections between Sardinia and Corsica all year, it is with Santa Teresa Gallura - Bonifacio and vice versa for a navigation of about one hour...
    Published on: 12/28/2015
  • Trenino Verde della Sardegna
    "Line of the two seas" 151 km route
    the Sassari - Tempio - Palau is the route that enters and explores under a different and fascinating perspective Gallura, one that runs from the inland to the sea...
    Published on: 12/07/2015
  • Visit the old town
    many bars and shops for shopping
    It develops around the two main squares, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele and Piazza San Vittorio, which flock the many streets arranged in a checkerboard…
    Published on: 06/04/2015
  • Porto Turistico Longosardo
    the landing largest natural and comfortable in Sardinia
    a privileged location for maritime links to and from Corsica, to the fantastic archipelago of La Maddalena, the Costa Smeralda and the islands corse ...
    Published on: 06/04/2015
  • Torre Longosardo
    stands imperious dominating Rena Bianca
    Built in the late sixteenth century, blocks of granite, the Tower Longosarda of Santa Teresa Gallura has powerful forms and consists of a truncated cone, topped with a cylinder ...
    Published on: 06/04/2015
  • Promontory of Capo Testa
    shaped granite rocks spectacular
    numerous remains of abandoned quarries that first the Romans exploited for the extraction of granite used in the construction of their buildings in the capital, such as the Pantheon ...
    Published on: 06/04/2015
  • Santa Reparata
    along the way to Capo Testa
    It is a few minutes from the historic center of Santa Teresa Gallura, along the scenic road that climbs up to Capo Testa, in the green of lush vegetation and the sea which reflects its crystal colo...
    Published on: 06/04/2015
  • Archaeological site of Lu Brandali
    managed by the Cultural Cooltour
    settlement Nuragic Lu Brandali includes a nuraghe surrounded by an outer wall provided with several towers, a village consists partly of huts ...
    Published on: 06/04/2015
  • Cava Romana
    remains of Roman Columns near the beach
    The peninsula of Capo Testa, of Municca, Cape Falcone and the small islands of Marmorata still bear the signs of the intense mining activity of the Roman era ...
    Published on: 06/04/2015
  • Punta Falcone
    the northernmost tip of Sardinia
    corner of nature, authentic and wild frequented by wild goats that with great skill and agility to climb up boulders higher ...
    Published on: 06/04/2015
  • The promontory Turri
    It rises up 127 meters above sea
    127 meters high above sea level, the Punta Turri divided into two areas the promontory, a more accessible north, the other south wildest and fascinating ...
    Published on: 06/04/2015
  • the reef Funtanaccia
    visible from the beach of Rena di Ponente
    The reef Funtanaccia, with its characteristic small natural pool, draw the perimeter of the first part of the coast of the peninsula of Capo Testa...
    Published on: 06/04/2015
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