giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
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Holidays in Arzachena

Half international among the best known in the world thanks to the presence on its territory of the Costa SmeraldaArzachena occupies a strategic position, close to the airports and ports of Olbia, and overlooking the Maddalena Archipelago. The story tells that in 1962 a small group of international financiers, headed by Prince Karim Aga Khan, created the Consorzio Costa Smeralda with the aim of developing a part of a municipal area of ??Arzachena, including the current part of the coast that connects Liscia Ruja in Liscia di Vacca, about 55 km long.
The settlement included a series of highly prestigious structures, including luxury hotels and exclusive villas, aimed at an elite tourism. The images of Costa Smeralda began to fill international magazine and TV covers, making it one of the most prestigious brands in world tourism in a very short time, acclaimed and applauded also because it considered the protection of the beauties of the territory and its natural environment, through the use of building and architectural criteria that were to safeguard and enhance the aesthetic impact, they valorised the entire territory and its consequent economy. 
This is how the emerald style was born, which was largely based on the typical constructions of rural Sardinia, able to fit in a discreet and homogeneous way between the rocks and the vegetation of the coast.Porto Cervo, like the other places that follow each other along this stretch of coast, are still today a driving vehicle of fundamental importance for the image of Gallura and the entire island, constituting one of the inevitable stages in the visit to the territory. It stands splendid and inimitable, to dominate the marine area of ??Porto Cervo, Stella Maris, the church that is also a symbol of this corner of rare beauty. 

An alternative route leads to the visit of rural churches, including San Michele Arcangelo and San Giovanni Evangelista. In the town center stands, among others, Santa Maria della Neve, dating back to 1776 as part of a policy of restocking this area of ??Gallura. 
It celebrates Santa Maria della Neve, patron saint of Arzachena together with Sant 'Antonio and Sant' Isidoro. The commemoration of Santa Maria della Neve occurs on the second Sunday of May, an event of great popular participation and is linked to the celebrations of St. Anthony and St. Isidore which take place on the third Sunday of September.

recommended in Arzachena

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