giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

visit La Maddalena

True pearl of the Mediterranean La Maddalena is the big sister of about 60 islands and islets that make up the archipelago to the north-east of Sardinia, facing the Gallura coasts, the only inhabited within the national park with its historic town, a former base Italian and American military, always a tourist destination of international appeal.

A road runs along its entire perimeter: 45 kilometers of breathtaking views. Granites and porphyries define jagged tracts, inlets, coves and beaches, while the hinterland is made up of gentle hills. La Maddalena gives its name to the archipelago of which it is the largest island and to the national park of which it is the administrative center.

the long presence of the Navy is witnessed by the naval museum Nino Lamboglia.

The strategic position in the Mediterranean has influenced its events: in 1793 the French army led by a young official officer, Napoleon Bonaparte, tried to invade it, stopped by the fleet commanded by the Magdalenine Domenico Millelire. The island also attracted the attention of Admiral Nelson, among others. Today it captures the holiday desires of lovers of natural scenery of extraordinary beauty.
Its inhabited center is the only one of the archipelago: La Maddalena, founded in 1770, overlooks Palau, from which it is twenty minutes by ferry. On the paved alleys of the center overlook palaces from the eighteenth century, such as the town hall and the parish church of St. Mary Magdalene. In the small port of Cala Gavetta stands a column with the effigy of Giuseppe Garibaldi, who lived the last 26 years in Caprera, joined to the Magdalene by the Passo della Moneta and famous for the Garibaldian Museum Compendium.

You will admire a suggestive landscape along the Spalmatore road, a delightful cove. Three kilometers from the center is the Cala Francese fjord where, among Mediterranean scrub and granite quarry, paths lead to discover silent coves and dreamy beaches. In the southern part, following the Padule seafront, we arrive at the Eagle's Nest, near the military fortress. Not far away, the other wonder of Punta Tegge. To the north, beyond the Strangolato isthmus, here are coves made of white dunes and surrounded by rocks shaped by the wind and beaches: not to be missed are Bassa Trinita, Cala Lunga and Monti d’Arena.

From the Maddalena you will set off to discover the other islands of the park: Santo Stefano to the south, Budelli and the famous Rosa beach, Razzoli, Santa Maria and Spargi to the north.

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