giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag


A few minutes from the sea and, at the same time, immersed in an extraordinary setting due to the exuberance of rich and varied vegetation, Luogosanto is one of the most significant stages of the Gallura territory, to visit both for the numerous churches in the country and for the beauty of the surroundings characterized by many granite outcrops.

The pavements of the streets are also made of granite, like numerous buildings in its small, charming village. The starting point in the visit to the center is undoubtedly the Basilica of Our Lady of Luogosanto, dating back to the thirteenth century. Tradition has it that it was erected by the Franciscans in the exact spot where the Madonna would have appeared to indicate the relics of San Nicola and San Trano.

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