giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
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visit Oschiri

The center of Oschiri is famous for the peculiar characteristics of the urban layout and for a municipal area rich in interesting tourist attractions.
There are many itineraries and paths that develop on this area, immersed in a naturalistic context particularly appreciated by trekking and walking enthusiasts who choose this area for their excursions, along Lake Coghinas or through a countryside rich in natural beauties. ancient monuments of extraordinary historical and anthropological significance, including the rock altar of Santo Stefano.

The architecture of its buildings, which fit into a rural environment and serenity, make its historic center a stop on the Gallura tour. At 5 km from the inhabited center we visit the beautiful church of Nostra Signora di Castro, in Romanesque style with pink anthracite inserts, dating from the mid-twelfth century and denoting its Lombard derivation. It owes its name to the Roman fort whose remains are still visible in the surrounding area.

A stop not to be missed? go to Tandalò ... a story that begins like this: once upon a time ...

Reccomended for Oschiri

The Nuraghe on Lake Coghinas 

The Nuraghe on Lake Coghinas to one of the most appreciated stages of the Gallura hinterland. 
Overlooking the lake it combines, with its happy location, the quality of its typical products and its cuisine and a hospitality service provided by comfortable rooms created in suggestive environments, for a complete and particularly attractive offer, such as to recall a wide and diverse national and international clientele. 
Managed at family level The Nuraghe on Lake Coghinas combines the pleasure of comfort with a rural environment immersed in the greenery of the vegetation in which stands a building that reproduces a masterfully made nuraghe, in which double rooms with private bathrooms have been created. the emotion of a night ... nuragica! 
The dishes that are brought to the tables are the result of research and tradition, a combination of selected products and genuine ingredients, for specialties that enhance the flavors of typical local cuisine. The common areas provide green relaxation areas, children's games, a swimming pool that overlooks the lake for a highly suggestive view. 
Also ideal for ceremonies and banquets, the Nuraghe on the lake is open all year. 

Strada Statale 392 Del Lago Del Coghinas 
Loc. Madras
Tel. 079.9576653
cell. 340.7887981

Sapori di Oschiri

It welcomes you a beautiful mural that immediately makes you understand that here there is so much taste, passion and love for the Sardinian tradition. Once past the artistically colored façade and beyond the threshold, you begin to enjoy the typical aromas of the Gallura land, those that are typical of fresh and genuine products, the same ones that are carefully processed here by skilled hands to offer fresh pasta, panadas, ricottas, seadas and sweets for every occasion, able to be remembered for their goodness and fragrance. Flavors of Oschiri is this and much more. It is a family story, a constant and painstaking research, a never finished study, everything to always be a little further, a step further, so that a profession becomes a journey, a satisfaction, a reason for gratification for so much work and profuse commitment. A choice that led to awards and prizes in regional competitions, with first places for the quality of its products.

Sapori di Oschiri is an unmissable stop on a visit to Gallura, a concentration of good things well exposed inside where there is also a selection of honey and the best local wines for a guided tasting which, upon reservation, Mirella proposes transforming this small shop in a magical imaginary journey through wineries and rows of vines.

Sapori di Oschiri also presents a selection of Sardinian handicraft objects with traditional masks, knives, fabrics, dishes, liqueurs and ... so much to discover by entering here, going beyond those figures who on the walls know how to tell the pride of a people, belonging to a wonderful land.
Home delivery service works.

V. Europa, 8
07027 OSCHIRI (OT)
Tel. 079.732069
cell. 320.7629994  

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