giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Bar del Capo

a terrace in the garden overlooking a clear blue sea

Bar del Capo
A simple marvel, nothing more ...
Bar del Capo is this, a piece of heaven for daydreaming, on the one hand the sea of Sardinia, on the other hand ... well.
Yes, because Bar del Capo is there, where the promontory of Capo Testa begins to take shape and draw one of the most fascinating areas of Sardinia.
The strip of land separating the two seas is one of the most photographed scenes and Bar del Capo is right there, like a pearl framed by the colors of a unique sea and smells of rich Mediterranean.
And it is just the beginning.
Then Sara and his staff will serve you best, to restore the desire of thirst with soft drinks and drink, perhaps accompanied by snacks, light and perfect to combine sunbathing with the appetite!
And then, for the pleasure, surprise, are served at the beach ... small surprise!
Bar del Capo is sun, sea, pleasure, entertainment, relaxation, friends, companionship, joy ... Holiday!
  • Indirizzo: Spiaggia Rena di Ponente
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel + 39 339.7165048
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