giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
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visit to San Pasquale

It is 15 km from Santa Teresa and about ten from Palau, San Pasquale is the most beautiful terrace of the Maddalena archipelago and the coastal stretch that includes La Coluccia with its famous and fishpond, further, the Corsica.
At the center of the small village is the parish of St. Paschal Baylon, built in the sixties of the last century, entirely of exposed granite.
The visual impact highlights the porch facade with four arches at ground level and two on the upper floor. Particular is also the bell tower on the right side of the church, from which opens a wonderful view of the coast and the Maddalena Archipelago.
Within various statues and beautiful wooden Baptistery of the late nineteenth century

Its location allows, in short time, to reach the main towns in Gallura, not only Santa Teresa and Palau, but also Maiore Rena, Arzachena and Luogosanto which is around 20 km away and Olbia and Tempio are approximately 40 km away.
In administrative San Pasquale depends on two municipalities, in the northern side is under the territory of Santa Teresa Gallura, while the southern portion is headed Tempio.

From 150 meters above sea level of San Pasquale you can admire enchanting views of the sea, of Mount Limbara and the surrounding area. About 5 km away, is the Bay of Porto Liscia, with the beach Sciumara, a long sandy beach that starts from Coluccia arrives at the mouth of the river Liscia, and continues up to Gull Island.
Constant and progressive is increased tourism that chooses this destination to spend a quiet holiday, away from the traffic and chaos of the summer.

Among the events that enliven San Pasquale there are festivals and celebrations that tell the peasantry and the spirituality of these places and these people.
The most important events are
16:17 May - the patron with procession of the patron saint and dinner of tripe soup, meat and folklore;
May 7 and 8 feast of St. Michael the homonymous country church with dinner and lunch of local meat.

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