giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
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Sport and Wellness Santa Teresa Gallura

Santa Teresa Gallura wellness oasis

The perfect rest and relaxation, sport and wellness, body care and recovery of mental and physical energy experienced by the long winter and the stress that accompanies everyday life, between work and family commitments.
Here in Santa Teresa Gallura are many opportunities to reactivate the mechanisms that promote the regeneration of body and mind, to recover that balance must able to give that pleasure and serenity of things, the desire for life.
Welcome to Santa Teresa Gallura, the oasis of wellness!
  • A.s.d. Circolo Ippico Li Nibbari
    courses, trips and horseback riding
    A.s.d. Riding Club Li Nibbari is a breeding, Riding Club, Walking, Board, School, Training School which is located in Santa Teresa Gallura.
    Published on: 04/02/2016
  • A.s.d. Circolo Ippico Li Nibbari
    courses, trips and horseback riding
    A.s.d. Riding Club Li Nibbari is a breeding, Riding Club, Walking, Board, School, Training School which is located in Santa Teresa Gallura.
    Published on: 04/02/2016
  • Il Bello delle Donne
    high professionalism, competence and sympathy
    the favorite landmark of Santa Teresa Gallura for all those who care about the care of the hair and aesthetics of their hairstyle...
    Published on: 12/09/2015
  • Dentaltea - Servizi odontoiatrici
    the best service for dental health
    highly qualified and specialized in various fields, from implantology to aesthetic medicine, surgery and other installation...
    Published on: 11/04/2015
  • Centro Estetico La DolceVita
    maison de Beautè
    pleasant, nice and relaxing with qualified professionals for specific and targeted treatments, such as massages, body scrubs, ultrasound and permanent hair removal ...
    Published on: 06/26/2015
  • Tennis Club Santa Teresa Gallura
    in the area of sports facilities
    municipal tennis center available to both the school tennis FIT members and visitors with indoor and outdoor facilities with efficient service ...
    Published on: 06/26/2015
  • gym Sporting
    a lifestyle, a philosophy
    to be masters of their own strength, the knowledge that everything depends on us, on our ability to be positive for our future, for our happiness ...
    Published on: 06/23/2015
  • Perla del Porto
    wellness in its purest form
    to rediscover the pleasure of relaxing, lying on the sun loungers by the pool, sipping a drink in the sweet vision of the surrounding greenery to frame a stylish jewel of architecture ...
    Published on: 06/18/2015
  • Sopharma
    everything for Health and Welfare
    for years the benchmark of choice for a wide and varied range of products for the health and well-being, with a wide range of quality products ...
    Published on: 06/18/2015
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