giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag


Along the main road that connects Santa Teresa Gallura to Palau, convenient and easily accessible, the town of Ruoni hosts some accommodation facilities, one of which, the B & b Le Maschere, belongs to the Gallura circuit of excellence. 
In a quiet, dominant position with stunning sea views of Corsica and the La Maddalena Archipelago, it extends only about 4 km from Santa Teresa Gallura, while the beaches of Porto Quadro, Valle dell'Erica, Conca Verde, and La Marmorata and others are in the immediate vicinity, from 3 to 4 km.
Ideal for a peaceful holiday, but with all the services and entertainment just minutes away, Ruoni is a valid choice for combining relaxation and the sea, in the pleasant setting of a small Gallura village.
vedi B&b Le Maschere  
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