giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
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visit to the village of Porto Pozzo

In the stories of the "old" country Porto Pozzo was, once, the tourism capital of Gallura, both for its central location in the northern coastal stretch, either by the immediate proximity of the islands of marvelous emerging from the sea right there in front of, or because of the economic importance given by rich fish pond that lies between the earth and the sea, just next to this small village.
Then events took place and unlike the nearby Santa Teresa took over developing this area and understanding what fraction municipal, while the Costa Smeralda became an international destination thanks to the Prince Aga Kahn on that stretch of coast built structures which would call the elite world.
Wedged between these two areas strong and powerful, Porto Pozzo cut out what would be a nice little niche tourism, a lover of peace and amenities, says Antonio Lubrano, familiar face of TV, admirer and lover of this place, a small Far West Sardinia.
The resort is spread between the intense green of the Mediterranean, bordered to the east by the beautiful peninsula of Coluccia, and the coastline bathed by a sea that gives transparency striking and unusual, given by a particular backdrop that alternates beach sometimes rocky, at 'dusk, dressed in red tones for beautiful scenery.
The beach stretches for about half a kilometer, welcoming ideal amenities for a great vacation in direct contact with the sea, from restaurants to hire boats to reach the Maddalena Archipelago from here is just a few minutes.
The port is unique, thanks to the geology of the area that draws a bay protected from winds and strong currents, however, affecting the surrounding areas.
Worth a visit to the fish pond, a place where time passes slowly and serene, the eyes are drawn to the green that dominates the landscape all around, while towards the sea in the calm waters hide a wealth of rare fauna, natural home of skilled fishermen that keep alive the traditions of this charming village.
Porto Pozzo is a destination for lovers of good food in the restaurants offering local specialties, home to some excellent facilities and entertainment activities and service, for a peaceful holiday, but also of sea life and pleasure good and beautiful things!

Porto Pozzo tips...

B&b Villa Nicoletta
Agenzia Immobiliare Le Case d'Amare
Ristorante Osteria
Ristorante Sintonia
Baia di Ulisse Gite e nolo gommoni
North West Gite e Noleggio barche
Cooperativa la Peschiera

  • The fishpond of Porto Pozzo
    generated from the river Liscia with the Rio Porto Pozzo
    present and future of this small heritage Gallura is now in the expert hands of members of the Cooperative La Peschiera that, since 2006, the farming of mussels and oysters...
    Published on: 09/30/2015
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