giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Central Bar 80

the center of life teresina

Central Bar 80
The living room of Santa Teresa Gallura, overlooking the village life, the nerve center of where everything goes, where parking is not only welcome respite, but also insight into the front row of a movie still alive and vibrant!
This is Central Bar 80, a club that has always been a meeting point of people teresina that, in the summer season, it mixes the world of tourism, changing shape and appearance, with a new look, always present, always trendy.
Drinks, coffee, croissants and fresh pastries, appetizers and drinks, snacks and ice cream, in short everything you could want at the Central Bar 80 find it.
Welcome here, the center of life teresina, in the middle of a movie where you can be a player or spectator ...
  • Indirizzo: Piazza Vittorio Emanuele I
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 348.3234692
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