giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Rena Bianca Beach Bar

just lovely

Rena Bianca Beach Bar
When you say "at least once in your life...". Here, the Rena Bianca Beach Bar is a destination at least once in life. Its location is as enchanting as it is overlooking Rena Bianca where the Bandiera Blu d'Europa waving to witness that that sea, transparent and wonderful, is among the most beautiful and pure Mediterranean.
The beach stretches down below the terrace of the Rena Bianca Beach Bar, where a simple soft drink, an ice cream, a drink becomes the good of all time!
Open already from the morning for breakfast with fresh croissants, it represents a refreshment at any hour of the day, for a cold beer, maybe Sardinian, or other refreshing beverages, accompanied by snacks, sandwiches, pizzas and more.
Above, facing the Bocche di Bonifacio that divide Rena Bianca and Sardinia from Corsica sister who stands out with its stacks in the background, they can admire visions and images that will remain in the best memories of Gallura holiday. Here selfies are wasted, to cause friends and family that we see portrayed in a corner of paradise. And when the light of late afternoon tends to decline and reach an aperitif, here's RenaBiancaBeach Bar is crowded for a pre-dinner cin cin, to spend the last moments of the day wrapped in the colors of the sunset, when the charm of this stretch of Gallura expresses the best of themselves, to kick off the show full of joy that only certain images can do, spreading soul serenity and pleasure of life! The appointment of the weekend, then, from Friday to Sunday, it is for the AperiCena Rena Bianca Beach Bar, to enjoy simple, fast and tasty dishes accompanied by the many aperitifs that Meco and his staff, know how to prepare with skill and originality. Apuntamento here, then, all together for a "selfie envy" !!!
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