La Gelateria Artigianale
many flavors and ice cream in stick

La Gelateria Artigianale in Santa Teresa Gallura speak the comments on the web reward as a reference among the best in this coastal town, between social and blog is a succession of real and heartfelt congratulations to those who were able to appreciate the quality of its products .
Located near the main square of the country, along the street that leads to the tower, La Gelateria Artigianale up the scepter of authenticity, brandishing the weapon of freshness that does not offend but delight, features the laureate of passion and professionalism.
The small window in which exposes the wide range of tastes, behind a discreet entrance that is notable only for its elegant tile on which is written the name, betrays the size of the school and know-how that works in the laboratory which lies at the back.
Nothing else to add, it only remains to prove because, as the best things are the facts speak!
Along with everyone, they are also recommended in the ice cream stick and waffles with ice cream and whipped cream.
Indirizzo: via Amsicora (angolo via del Mare)
Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
+39 0789 754245 +39 348.6093847