giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
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Lu Vindiolu Dolci Tipici

artisan production of traditional sweets Gallura and Sardinian

Lu Vindiolu Dolci Tipici
The green of the Mediterranean, an old stone house, a rustic wood oven and creativity passed down from generation to generation.
This is told in sweet Lu Vindiolu Michela that produces daily and exhibits, as well as a time, which you can find on his desk one day in the square, one more day on the beach of Marmorata, or in front of the church, or even when you He plays one of the many festivals.
Lu Vindiolu is to go back in time, both as produced, both for the way they marketed, in the most natural, more direct, more traditional.
On display, on the bench, you can find Acciuleddi and sweet saba, the cucciuleddi and papassini, decorated and embellished by the artistic hand of Michela, to become not only goodness for the palate, also ideal present for a gift, which packs combining aesthetics and taste.
Along with these delights, Michela and Alessandro offer a selection of Sardinian products of high quality cheeses and meats, bread and spirits of the best productions of Sardinia.
Lu Vindiolu - Stagione estiva 2015 - Via del Porto (Teatro comunale)
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