giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

B&b Le Maschere

in loc. Ruoni, a small village 5 km from Santa Teresa Gallura

B&b Le Maschere
The family atmosphere and the warm hospitality of Sardinia characterize this B & B in The Masks, recent receptive reference of the municipality of Santa Teresa Gallura.
Located in the locality. Ruoni, very quiet little hamlet, located 5 km from the center Teresino, B & b The masks have all with private bath rooms and nicely decorated with fabrics and details that recall the traditions and culture of the island of Sardinia.
Easily accessible, just 3 km, the largest beach of La Marmorata, served by kiosk and equipped with rental sunbeds, parasols, pedal boats and canoes.
Adjacent to the B & b The Masks works Ristorante Pizzeria tobacco bar service open all year round.
* Guaranteed service even in case of strike
  • chiusura settimanale: aperto tutto l'anno
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: via Marco Polo, 48 - loc. Ruoni
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 0789.751671 +39 339.1043479 +39 348.0906548
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