giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Boutique Hotel

Boutique Hotel means small luxury hotels, from the unconventional and particularly intimate.
The boutique hotel stand out in the accommodation and services that are specially customized and refined.
Santa Teresa Gallura also has its Boutique Hotel ... to discover!
  • Relais de Chambre GrindiSuite
    in the heart of the historic center
    entirely soundproofed, two types Deluxe and Junior Suite, both beautifully decorated and personalized, full of personality, different and distinguishable style and color...
    Published on: 11/19/2015
©Intour Project - sant'Antonio di Gallura (OT) p.iva 02429980903 c.f. RCCBTS68D43B354H
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