giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
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Bed and breakfast Santa Teresa Gallura

  • B&b Villa Nicoletta
    in loc. Curichena in Porto Pozzo
    Villa Nicoletta is set in a private estate of just four hectares, a real quiet corner and relax a few minutes from the beach and the center of Porto Pozzo...
    Published on: 04/07/2017
  • B&b Palazzo Antico
    to live fully the teresina worldly life
    It is accessed from next door to the famous Ristorante Pizzeria da Peppe, the same management, combined for half and full board and has 3 bedrooms, 2 with private facilities...
    Published on: 06/10/2016
  • B&b Stella Marina
    style bed and breakfast
    It is located in a quiet neighborhood of Santa Teresa Gallura, with the central square and the beautiful beach of Rena Bianca easily reachable with a pleasant walk...
    Published on: 12/11/2015
  • B&b Le Maschere
    in loc. Ruoni, a small village 5 km from Santa Teresa Gallura
    It has all rooms with private bath and nicely decorated with fabrics and details that recall the traditions and culture of the island of Sardinia ...
    Published on: 12/02/2015
  • B&b Arasulé
    attentive service and extensive attention to detail
    Arasulè is a journey of excitement, relaxation and tradition, where the living room is transformed into a sensory experience, able to stop every minute for it to be remembered as a unique moment...
    Published on: 12/01/2015
  • B&b Chez Nous
    in the quiet of the Bay of Santa Reparata
    halfway between Capo Testa and the center of Santa Teresa, B & B Chez Nous is the perfect choice for a holiday immersed in the green Mediterranean and the transparency of the sea...
    Published on: 08/07/2015
  • B&B La Chicca di Francesca
    located in a quiet road at the edge of the historical centre
    In the extension, on ground floor, we serve the breakfast, with home made jam and local biscuits and cake...
    Published on: 06/26/2015
  • B&b La Locanda di Piazza
    in the heart of Santa Teresa Gallura
    He draws, with its beautiful building, one of the four corners of the central Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, a meeting place and entertainment life teresina ...
    Published on: 06/14/2015
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