giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Alberghi Santa Teresa Gallura

  • Hotel Gnu ***
    a natural terrace of the Maddalena Archipelago
    out of the more usual routing Teresini, perched on a small hill in the upper area of the village of San Pasquale, a small village in the heart of Gallura...
    Published on: 11/03/2015
  • Hotel Mùita di Mari***
    the adjacent multiplex historical Teresino and 10 minutes walk from Rena Bianca
    nice and recent reality of Santa Teresa Gallura, a high international standard, elegant and functional, run by its owners, ensuring a pleasant and friendly welcome ...
    Published on: 07/07/2015
  • Hotel Comfort Scano***
    a stone's throw from the historic center of the country
    Hotel Comfort Scano rises in quiet although adjacent the center, Hotel Comfort Scano offers rooms with private bathroom, color TV and air conditioning ...
    Published on: 07/06/2015
  • Resort Valle dell’Erica Thalasso & SPA*****
    a 5 star resort in freedom
    It equipped with every comfort, for a relaxing and exclusive holiday for couples and families, with romantic and bright rooms and the warm atmosphere of the Thalasso & SPA ...
    Published on: 07/05/2015
  • Hotel La Coluccia****
    a set of beauty in perfect harmony
    a philosophy, La Coluccia is the exclusive in its most noble, the most hospitality to time, La Coluccia is the first Boutique Hotel of Design in Sardinia ...
    Published on: 07/05/2015
  • Hotel Meta
    freedom and independence
    rooms with private bathrooms, a private entrance and equipped with every comfort, from air conditioning to satellite TV, and then telephone, minibar, safe and hairdryer ...
    Published on: 06/14/2015
  • Hotel Corallaro****
    adjacent to the beautiful beach Rena Bianca
    in the center of Santa Teresa Gallura, near the beautiful beach of Rena Bianca and coves hidden from lush Mediterranean ...
    Published on: 06/12/2015
  • Hotel Marinaro***
    ideal reference for a pleasant stay
    recently renovated Hotel Marinaro enjoys a unique position, because adjacent to the old town, but in a quiet area and with easy access from all directions ...
    Published on: 06/09/2015
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