giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

B&b Chez Nous

in the quiet of the Bay of Santa Reparata

B&b Chez Nous
In the Bay of Santa Reparata, where the sea and its coastline draws one of the most striking of Gallura, is the B & B Chez Nous, an ancient Sardinian house, with large yard, renovated recently.
Halfway between Capo Testa and the center of Santa Teresa, B & B Chez Nous is the perfect choice to live in quiet holiday immersed in the green Mediterranean and the transparency of the sea that stretches in all its charm there to 600 meters .
The stone and muted colors, framed in the natural beauty of Santa Reparata, make the B & B Chez Nous a small jewel of rural local architecture.
The welcome and the right discretion, combined with good food and the many valuable tips that Tiziana and Mauritius can bestow in order to optimize the visit and stay, are additional elements of Chez Nous.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Loc. Santa Reparata
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 347.8389559
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