giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

B&B La Chicca di Francesca

located in a quiet road at the edge of the historical centre

B&B La Chicca di Francesca
Our B&B is located in a quiet road at the edge of the historical centre.
The three double rooms, two ensuite ond one with exclusive external bathroom are on our pretty villa first floor.
All with balcony and aircon, enjoy of an indipendent entrance.
In the extension, on ground floor, we serve the breakfast, with home made jam and local biscuits and cakes.
We clean the rooms every day while sheets and towels have a twice a week change.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: via Basilicata, 4
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 0789.754691 - +39 347.3350779
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