giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

B&b La Locanda di Piazza

in the heart of Santa Teresa Gallura

B&b La Locanda di Piazza
In the heart of Santa Teresa Gallura, La Locanda di Piazza draws, with its beautiful building, one of the four corners of the central Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, a meeting place and entertainment life teresina.
In a few minutes you can visit the famous tourist attractions of Santa Teresa Gallura, including the Rena Bianca beach, the Aragonese tower with spectacular terrace overlooking the Straits of Bonifacio, the church of St. Vittorio and the church of Santa Lucia.
Very comfortable, moreover, live Santa Teresa shopping, cuisine and entertainment venues, with its boutiques and artisan shops, souvenirs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, pubs, wine bar, piano bar and so allow tourists to spend pleasant moments in serenity.

Renovated according to the most modern concept of sustainability, this antique palace accessible infirm, it has features of high sound insulation - heat and low power consumption.
The large rooms, each about 25 square meters.
Have simply furnished and decorated, equipped with all the comforts to spend a holiday of relaxation and comfort.
They have a double bed, desk, luggage rack, sofa, two-door wardrobe with hangers, kettle with supply of tea, minibar, safe, air conditioning, balcony equipped with chairs and tables, large bathroom (washbasin, bidet, wc, shower) 32-inch color TV, direct Internet access with cable or wi fi, air conditioning, complimentary toiletries.
The hotel offers many services, from Bar Pizzeria (open in high season), from the outdoor gazebo complete with chairs, tables and umbrellas to the indoor breakfast room with color TV, wi-fi or the elevator to the wall outlet, from reception to luggage storage.
In addition agreements with tour operators in the area allow guests to have access on favorable terms to the various services offered in the country.
It has private parking (about 300 meters), while on the nearby streets parking is free.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Piazza Vittorio Emanuele - angolo via Amsicora
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel + 39 0789.754245 cell. +39 348.6093847
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