giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Hotel Gnu ***

a natural terrace of the Maddalena Archipelago

Hotel Gnu ***
Hotel Gnu stands on a natural terrace that opens onto one of the most beautiful views of the Maddalena Archipelago and the Coluccia.
Its location is off the more usual routing Teresini, perched as it is on a small hill above the center of San Pasquale, a small village in the heart of the Gallura area situated in the center of the most beautiful beaches of northern Sardinia, between the Valley of the Erica and Isola dei Gabbiani, a few minutes drive from the center of Santa Teresa Gallura.
Strategically interesting for the many recreational and sporting activities that can be done in this area, from surfing to diving, with the possibility of riding horseback riding on the beach trail to mountain biking, trips to the islands to the boat rental, from visits to archaeological sites Lu Brandali and Tomb of the giants to discover the magic of stones Caresi.
Hotel Gnu stands strongly for its ethnic style, in sharp contrast with the environment and the territory and has 30 double rooms and double rooms with private entrance from the private terrace, with minibar, air conditioning and TV; also it has two rooms for sible.
The beautiful swimming pool, overlooking La Maddalena archipelago, offering a vision of a show of rare natural beauty, where to find the ultimate in relaxation, maybe sipping a drink or an aperitif.
Has finally Hammam also open to outsiders.
©Intour Project - sant'Antonio di Gallura (OT) p.iva 02429980903 c.f. RCCBTS68D43B354H
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