giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
Bandiera ItalianaEnglish flag

Hotel Marinaro***

ideal reference for a pleasant stay

Hotel Marinaro***
Recently renovated Hotel Marinaro enjoys a unique position, because adjacent to the old town, but in a quiet area and with easy access from all directions.
With a short walk leads to the famous beach of Rena Bianca and the Marina Longosardo of Santa Teresa Gallura.
All rooms have private bathrooms, air conditioning, color TV and telephone to the outside.
It works service restaurant, bar and meeting room.
Marinaro Hotel offers special conditions for small groups such as motorcycle club, cycle amateurs, trekkisti, windsurfer, regalanti, fishermen, sports groups.
The relaxed family atmosphere and helpful staff make Hotel Marinaro ideal reference for a pleasant stay.
Open all year.
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  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Via G.M. Angioy, 48
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 0789.754112
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