giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
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Resort Valle dell’Erica Thalasso & SPA*****

a 5 star resort in freedom

Resort Valle dell’Erica Thalasso & SPA*****
Dell'Erica Valley Resort is located just 10 minutes drive from Santa Teresa Gallura and is set in a park of 280,000 square meters and surrounded by 1,400 m of pristine coastline, a few meters from a splendid white sand bay and rocks molded by time, in a unique and unrepeatable.
The Resort is equipped with every comfort, to give the feeling of a relaxing and exclusive to couples and families.
Romantic, bright rooms with panoramic verandas, the warm atmosphere of the Thalasso & Spa Centre and considerate services to an oasis of relaxation, just steps away from the beautiful Sardinian sea.
Designed to meet the needs of those looking for a 5 star resort in Sardinia with a great value for money and high standards hotel, for those who enjoy the incomparable nature of Gallura, the sea and the holiday free from excessive formalism.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Valle dell’Erica
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel + 39 0789 790305
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