giovedì 6 febbraio 2025
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Hotel Meta

freedom and independence

Hotel Meta
Very easy to reach, as placed on the main access road to the center of Santa Teresa Gallura, in a quiet, Meta Hotel offers a pleasant stay in a cozy family environment.
The rooms, all with private bathrooms, have a private entrance and are equipped with every comfort, from air conditioning to satellite TV, and then telephone, minibar, safe and hairdryer.
The common rooms are available for a drink or a pleasant reading and relaxing.
Designed to offer maximum freedom and independence, Travel Hotel has Wi Fi, garage for motorcycles, service of sending and receiving email fax, guarantees to its guest numerous agreements with restaurants and pizzerias, but also with companies that organize trips by sea, in boat or raft, and land with SUVs, motorcycles, quads, mountain biking, as well as horseback riding and trekking or visiting archaeological sites or natural interest.
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Via Stefano Nicolai, 2
  • Località: Santa Teresa Gallura
  • tel +39 0789 741109
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